About Us

Jarvis and Tia plan on setting off and sailing from Harwich, UK to the Carribean Island, South America and back on Croc Bones a Trident Warrier 35.

This site will bring you all of the updates and progress from both before the departure and whilst we are under way.
Our leaving date (at the moment) is the 20th February 2011 our return date; when the funds run out…
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
–Mark Twain

Jarvis:- 29 year old Aussie from Perth who moved to England 4 years ago. IT Engineer by trade, he has been contracting at PWC for just over a year. Full of ambition and with a strong desire to learn new skills and travel he had ensured that life has never been boring taking yearly travels to a vast array of countries! Ice Climbing in Norway, Jungle Trecking in Burma and cycling with cows in Belgium (dont ask!) the past year alone has been jam packed. 

Yet there has remained one clear goal that he has been working on since he arrived:-
Being miles from land, on a yacht, at sunset popping the cork on  some champagne... 4 years later and he is a fully qualified Yacht Master and Day Skipper teacher with Yacht Master Ocean in progress.  As well as this  he has two Flottilla  seasons and a few boat deliverys under his belt (including a new Oyster 70 -  very nice!). 
Prep done, boat bought; now where is the champagne...

Tia:- 24 year old English girl currently living in London. Marketing has been the name of the game since graduating - focusing on events and brand transition for the past year at HP Information Security - yes it is true, another sailor in the IT industry!! Bold, organised and with an attention span that says "let me try something new!" She has lived by this motto since graduating uni, determined that every day will be memorable. Travels go from Ice Swimming in Finland to Skippering an all-female yacht crew in Croatia, from snorkeling in Oz to meeting the monkeys in Kuala Lumpa!

Yachting didn't crop up until the summer of 2009 after meeting Jarvis a few months earlier - her first time on a yacht was 1 days before the first day of a summer of working as part of a Flotilla crew; so she got her sea legs fast! Deliveries and a few sunny weeks of sailing followed. Now it's time for the next challenge:-  Quit your job and sail to the Caribbean in off peak season??? It's not normal, it's not when you should be doing it, it's not what everyone else does??? Hummm, sounds good. Let's go!