Some Vital Stats:-
Built - 1978
LOA - 35 ft (10.7m)
LWL - 26 ft
Beam - 10 ft 6 (3.2m)
Draft - 5 ft 11 (1.8m)
Headroom - 6ft 3 (= Happy Jarvis head)
Sadly these lovely yachts are no longer built and there are not many resources online about them. If you want to know more, your best bet is to look at the range of 'Tridents' for sale.
Other details:-
Sails - Slab reefing
Engine - Mercedes OM636 42HP
It says Chelsea Flower?
The shrewd ones amoung you may notice she is still currently called 'Chelsea Flower'. This is true, however bad luck or not, we are changing it and as we have already designed a flag for her are deeming her already Croc-Bones-ified!
Why Croc Bones?
Whilst lazing around in Greece working the Flotillas we deceided to concoct our own flag as we were banned to raise an Aussie or British one above the local Greek, and no amount of Flag rules showing would change any mind. So, we 'borrowed' a pillow case and liberated some poor dusty coloured pens that had never seen the light of day (poor pens) and doodled out a 'Skull a Cross bones' - arghhh we are pirates.. but wait! Wouldn't it be much more fun if it was a Crocodile? With a Happy Face? And.. TA DA..Skull and Croc Bones was born! But you can call her Croc Bones for short
More photos!?!
We want more too.. and pretty soon we will get to go snap-happy over her! She is officially ours and we will be bringing you all the update of how she will change in the months before we leave and how she will cope in the months after.