Monday 4 July 2011

Education at Sea

Both Jarvis and I are firm believers in continually educating yourself and working out your brain and were determined that whilst having the time of our life away from work, stress, rules and regulations, this would not mean sitting on our laurels and letting our brains turn to mush. Of course everyday we are learning something new about sailing and life on the ocean and that is great, but there is so much more to life as well.

Our here it is so tempting to while away your time with a good novel, take in the adventures of the island or just swim and snorkel the day away and, I personally think, these things should be done at every opportunity. But how about challenging yourself to learning something new, something that is going to make your brain yell at you once you are done?

Perhaps a new language, which would be one hell of a bonus if you are sailing around – French and Spanish having being incredibly useful on our own travels so far. Or what about something totally different to what you know? Psychology, History of where you are from (or where you are going?) Or how about getting more technically Savvy! Anything that you are interested in, or could find an interest in – just work that brain!

The best bit?! Nowadays we have no excuse for not being able to get this information of whatever we desire even out in remote islands. If you can get internet, you can download a text book or watch a video on a subject or even order course material to be ready and waiting at your next stop. It so easy to find out... check out these brain stretchers:-

In our case Jarvis is learning Spanish and Computer Networking and I am learning Adobe Indesign and Creative Writing. Granted it's not at a fast pace and sometimes when the world looks a bit too perfect not be out exploring, the last thing I want to do is pick up a work book. Yet the feeling of knowing more, surprising yourself at what you can do and putting into practice your new skill. Now that is feeling worth trying for.

Tia and Jarvis, Over and Out

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