Our first major group activity here in Grenada began on Saturday. Every week during the summer there is an organised 'Hash' run. For those of you who don't know what one is (I sure didn't when i heard about it), check out this Wikipedia description :-
Hash House Harriers
In short, 'Hashing' is trail running that is big on the social scene but I personally think that makes it sound way too easy. We knew the background, we had read other accounts of it, seen a few photos and so decided that we had to give it a try.
At 2:15pm we hopped on an organised mini-bus that drove us up to Grand Etang forest in the centre of the Island. We arrived to a mass crowd of people from every age, culture and nationality huddling around a guy dressed in his 'Bastille day' colours starting to explain about the race.
He gave us a few things to note:-
1)Follow the paper, it marks the trail
2)There are false trails - be prepared!
3)There are ropes for some descents
4)Help each other it's all for fun!
So, in the blazing sunshine we signed up to the Hashing 'Virgins' list and on the GO horn, we were outta there.
Before the race.. looking happy and eager |
Now luckily for us it hadn't rained that day but unlucky for us that didn't seem to make a difference to the mud. Piles of people sliding and wriggling their way down an epic mud bank started the trail and separated the pack.We managed to get out into the middle somewhere and proceeded to spend 2 hours jumping boulders, leaping across streams and swinging from branches.. oh and some running in there as well :)
Sliding/Climbing down the slopes |
Halfway through we had an awesome surprise at finding ourselves in front of the Seven Sisters waterfall but sadly we had no time to stop and take the dip we were craving, it was onwards and (much to my disappointment) upwards. ALOT of upwards!
Seven Sisters Waterfall |
Finally when the light started to fade and we had made our way around a large patch of Razor grass (it's EVIL and shredded my legs) we hit the tarmac and ran up the final stretch to the finish line.
Utterly unimpressed at another hill! |
When the final straggler had arrived the announcer called upon the 'Virgins' to come and get their certificate.
Please take some happiness in this little excerpt of it:-
Please let it be known that Antonia, having done it with all of us. At times rough, sometimes wet, sometimes hard, sometimes fast, grunting, groaning, completed this ordeal and is henceforth not to be considered a virgin in the Grenada Hash Harriers.
Our final hurrah on accepting our certificates was to be showered by all the 'experts' with bottles of beer and then to carry on with the party!
Celebrating with the crew from ZeroToCruising and Unicorn |
It was brutal and exhausting and exceptionally muddy, but will we be doing it next week? You betcha!
Tia and Jarvis, Over and Out!