I really miss hearing the old saying "If it's not broke don't fix it" and having it be true. At the moment on our little house it seems that pre-empting things that are going to break is the only way to save ourselves an awful lot of time and money.
More out of curiosity than any problem we checked to see how our trusty new Altenator was doing. It turns out that it's not the best being too hot to touch after a few minutes of it running. Further investigations have clocked that there is a small power leak coming from the regulator... even when all the power is off, hummm. So we have got a new blower fan, ducting and are on the look out for a new reulator to top it off.
We are taking no chances! Just because it's not broke YET, we are still going to fix it!
On a happy note we have a new boat of the marina (Bay). This beautiful old schooner from Hog Island which is currently competing in the Carriacou Regatta, fingers crossed for them.
Schooner @ Hog Island |
We broke up our mass maintenence yesterday by going to our second Hash run up in St Andrews. A beautiful track and, smartly, we chose to do the walkers trail this time and jog that instead. This meant it only took us an hour and a half, we got to have fantastic chats with new, awesome people all the way round and were still exhauted by the end but at that happy point where you can still knock back the beers after!
Here are a few photos of the people we met and the great party last night!!
'Cyber-Flash' and his wife. Bidding for the International Hash in Brussells |
Horst & Gabby from sv Fair Isle |
Post Race happiness! |
Party going on into the night. Carib! - The Reason we hash! :) |
Tia and Jarvis, Over and Out
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